It’s no longer surprising, but the right wing blogs are full of comments today praising the soldier who allegedly committed mass murder in Kandahar, killing men, women, and children asleep in their beds.
Gateway Pundit:
But the worst site by far is the right wing’s premier news channel, Fox News:
Gateway Pundit:
It’s a start. Now for the rest of the bastards.Michelle Malkin’s new site,
Congratulations to the soldier…give him a heros welcome….buck fobama
But why did he stop? Run out of ammo?
Good. More, please.I’ve looked at about a dozen right wing sites this morning to see how they’d react to the news from Afghanistan, and the comments at every single one of them were full of people celebrating the killings, praising the soldier who allegedly committed them, and denying there was any crime, while at the same time frantically trying to blame the crime on President Obama.
I don’t think he was unbalanced. I think he was getting some payback. It’s nice to see someone on our side who actually wants to hurt the enemy.
Forget apologies; Pardon that soldier…
But the worst site by far is the right wing’s premier news channel, Fox News:
This is nothing! Wait until you see what happens to the n!qqqers here in the US of A when the new civil war starts!Again, note that these freaks deliberately insert spaces and misspell their racial slurs in order to sneak them past the automatic word filters. Many of the worst comments quoted above had numerous “likes” from other Fox News readers. And this is a tiny selection from more than 2,200 comments; there are many, many more like this.
Obama just announced that he is personally going to provide fe la tio to every Afghani male to compensate for their loss.
The P O S P apoligizes to moooooooooooooslimes and doesnt have any respect for American solders ! Sent the ragehead obummerdeen and his entire family to Kenya where their dirty s c u m b a g b o d i e s belong !
This guy only did what the NewBIackPanthers promise to do to white babies.
What? Our wim mpy prez going, sorry for our troops for getting in the way of your rag head sol diers bul lets. I see the stre ss that our tro ops are under in that f-kin country. Let’s pull out NOW. The only good rag head is a d—d ragh ead
I don’t see a problem here.
Obummer what is tragic and shocking that you are a lying P O S P that supports t e r r o r i s m ! Burn in L L E H
It’s perfectly okay for the Afghanistan military to mur der our troops, Obama dosen’t even flinch, however, condolences go out when it’s the other way around. I’ll be very glad when the loser-in-chief is on his way out. I hate muslums, big time, in a very big way! Right behind the muslums are the libtards, they’re just as bad.
What comes around goes around That soldier deserves a medal!!!!!
Well, that should be enough to start a MASS RIOT. And then that will spiral all thru the middle-east causing more Americans to be killed. We got two choices here…. Keep putting up with this mooslime S H I T..or… Drop a freaking nuke on that islamic radical country and end this cat and mouse game forever. We know its going to happen sooner or later, lets get this World War III started so our economy will come back. Our Industries will come back. Our Jobs will come back. And most important, Our American Patriotism will once again lead…
I’m tired of apologists, tired of a woosie President and his woosie administration that constantly fall over themselves apologizing. Tell Karzai to pound sand and if one more American is k illed by his crazies, Karzai himself will be assuming room temperature.
This soldier made a great point. You kiII our family, we will kill yours.
LOL….DUMB_NIGGERS like you are humorous actually. Isn’t there some food stamp line you should be standing in? Oh yes, it’s Sunday and you have to shine your spinners.
Blahhh, Blahhh, Blahhh…… you’re still just a DUMB_NIGGER. LOL.
Every M U S L I M that reads the Quran is an enemy combatant…at home or abroad.
musIim civilians????? Yea Right…Blow Me
The Muzzie men are P issed they had plans to strap b ombs on the women and childern…just sayin
Just another day at the office, even up the score
Must have been one of those G a y soldiers they are letting in now. Probably emotionally distraught that his g a y lover was ki11ed by Taliban rebels in retaliation for Koran burning that the prisoners defaced to begin with. So what? No big deal. Obamao caused this by letting them in the ranks. Now libturds will blame it on our forces and personally attack us for saying so.
Our muslum president is on their side
There is no such thing as a musIim civilian
A dead Mus lim is a good Muslim. Give the soldier a medal.
Anyone reading these posts, please do not let these Un-American arrogant Ass Clowns change your mind about Us or the average white American. We still have a black President (although I believe he is the antichrist). But the fact that we elected him at all tells you that America is not a nation of hick ass Racist hillbilly upstarts brainwashed on Reaganomics. That is just a bunch a psychological mumbo jumbo the that filters into our nation rednecks who comprise the heartland. Don't even blame the rednecks, they are just Americans who work too hard. Blame Shaitan and the Illuminati (i.e. rich Jewish, Christian, and Masonic Bankers with plans to rule at all cost including the brain washed psyche of the average American citizen with no concern for politics what so ever).
Isa Massi